Asbestos has been used in North America since the late 1800’s. Its use increased dramatically during World War II. For decades, asbestos products have been widely used at many worksites by many trades in industries such as shipbuilding, construction, steelmaking, oil, chemical and power plant operation and many others.

Be aware that each state has a time period, known as the statute of limitations, within which a person or the estate of the deceased person must file a lawsuit to be entitled to monetary compensation or be forever barred from recovery. Each state has its own law regarding the time period to file a lawsuit and those laws are strictly enforced.

The onset of asbestosis may be years after the exposure to asbestos.  The initial symptom is usually a shortness of breath.  Other symptoms that follow include a persistent cough, chest pain, tightness in the chest, loss of appetite, and a blueness in the lips resulting from the inability of the lungs to provide oxygen to the body.

Treatments for the symptoms of asbestosis include limiting or preventing further exposure to asbestos, aggressively treating bronchial infections, and the use of inhalers.  Smoking will exacerbate the symptoms of asbestosis and can even speed the rate of progression of the disease.  Thus, after a diagnosis of asbestosis, smoking cessation will be critical.

The shortness of breath experienced at the onset of the asbestosis may interfere with strenuous activity levels.  Over time, that shortness of breath can interfere with daily activities, requiring the use of oxygen, and causing respiratory failure and death.